Children and young people
Children and young people
Counselling for Children and Young People (YP) offers a space for them to understand what’s going on in their mind, body and life. Within a safe environment they can explore their own meaning and build their confidence, resilience and independence. YP can build on their skills so they can communicate to others what they need and how to find solutions for themselves. Through the support of counselling, YP can feel equipped for adult life to support their on-going mental health and well-being.
Looked After Children and Young People
At Bespoke Therapy & Advocacy we acknowledge the individualised needs of children and young people who are in care (Looked After – LAC), cared for on a Special Guardianship Order (SGO) or who have previously been ‘looked after’. The focus of the lived experience of compounded loss and bereavement, attachment and relational impact is fully embedded into our approach to therapeutic interventions with the child, from a systemic perspective that acknowledges the child within their system, and life-story. Practitioners work directly with the child, centrally to the person-centred process, with integration of foster-carers, education and personal education planning (PEP), healthcare and the Local Authority; aiming to support the child through deepening understanding of their own experience, and being a voice for them in the busy-ness of their lives.